Abies × borisii-regis - Bulgarische Tanne

Abies × borisii-regis - Bulgarian fir

Abies × borisii-regis, also known as Bulgarian fir, is a...
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Larix decidua - Europäische Lärche

Larix decidua - European larch

Larix decidua, generally known as European larch, is a deciduous...
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Pinus cembra - Zirbelkiefer

Pinus cembra - Swiss pine

Pinus cembra, also known as Swiss pine, is a slowly...
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Ephedra nebrodensis - Nebroden-Meerträubel

Ephedra Nebrodensis - Nebroden -Meiersträrbel

Ephedra Nebrodensis, also known as the Nebrod Ocean, belongs to...
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Thuja plicata - Riesenlebensbaum

Thuja Plicata - giant life tree

Thuja Plicata, generally known as the giant life tree or...
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Pinus pumila - Zwerg-Kiefer

Pinus Pumila - Dwarf jaw

Pinus Pumila, also known as a dwarf jaw or Krummholz...
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Ephedra monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma

Ephedra Monosperma belongs to the Ephedraceae family. This unusual plant...
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Abies lasiocarpa - Felsengebirgs-Tanne

Abies Lasiocarpa - Felsengebirgs -Tanne

Abies Lasiocarpa, generally known as the rock mountain fir, is...
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Tsuga mertensiana - Berg-Hemlocktanne

Tsuga Mertensiana - Berg -Hemlocken

Tsuga Mertensiana, generally known as a mountain hemlock fir, is...
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