Primula ioessa

Primula Ioessa

Primula Ioessa is located in the demanding habitats of the...
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Primula chungensis - Yunnan-Primel

Primula Chungensis - Yunnan -Primel

Primula Chungensis, generally known as the Yunnan primel, belongs to...
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Primula secundiflora - Himalaya-Primel

Primula Secundiflora - Himalaya -Primel

Primula Secundiflora, generally known as Himalaya primel, belongs to the...
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Primula chionantha - Weißblütige Primel

Primula Chionantha - white -flowered primrose

Primula Chionantha, generally known as a white -flowered primrose, belongs...
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Sorbus koehneana - Weißfrüchtige Eberesche

Sorbus Kohneana - white -fraudulent Eberesche

Sorbus Kohneana, generally known as white -fruity Eberesche, belongs to...
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Rhodiola alsia

Rhodiola Alsia

Rhodiola Alsia is a little -known Rhodiola Art. It comes...
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Oryza sativa - Reis

Oryza sativa - rice

Oryza Sativa, generally known as rice, is one of the...
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Trachycarpus fortunei - Hanfpalme

Trachycarpus Fortunei - Hanfpalme

Trachycarpus Fortunei, generally known as Chinese hemp palm or windmill...
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Citrus japonica - Kumquat

Citrus Japonica - Kumquat

Citrus Japonica, generally known as Kumquat, is a fruit -bearing...
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