Aloe pruinosa

Aloe pruinosa

Aloe pruinosa belongs to the family of the grass tree...
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Aloe dorotheae

Aloe dorotheae

Aloe dorotheae is a succulent plant of the family of...
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Haworthiopsis coarctata

Haworthiopsis coarctata

Haworthiopsis coarctata belongs to the family of Asphodelaceae, which includes...
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Aloe melanacantha - Schwarzdorn-Aloe

Aloe melanacantha - Black-thorn aloe

Aloe melanacantha, also called "Black-thorn aloe", belongs to the family...
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Aloe rauhii

Aloe rauhii

Aloe rauhii belongs to the family of the Asphodelaceae and...
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Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that belongs to the...
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Aloe grandidentata

Aloe grandidentata

Aloe grandidentata is a succulent species from the genus aloe...
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Hemerocallis minor - Kleine Taglilie

Hemerocallis Minor - Little Taglilie

Hemerocallis Minor, also known as a small taglily or dwarf-Taglily,...
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Haworthiopsis × curta

Haworthiopsis × curta

Horthiopsis × Curta is a hybrid from the genus haworthiopsis,...
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