Saribus rotundifolius - Rundblättrige Fächerpalme

Saribus Rotundifolius - round -leaved fan palm

Saribus Rotundifolius, also known as a round -leaved fan palm,...
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Caryota mitis - Fischschwanzpalme

Caryota Mitis - Fishtail Palm

Caryota Mitis, generally known as the dwarf fish palm or...
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Rothmannia annae - Wrights Gardenie

Rothmannia Annae - Wrights Gardenie

Rothmannia Annae's home is exclusively on the Seychelles. And even...
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Castanea sativa - Esskastanie

Castanea sativa - dining chestnut

Castanea Sativa, generally known as chestnut or noble chestnut, is...
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Polygonatum odoratum - Solomonssiegel

Polygonatum Odoratum - Solomone seal

Polygonatum Odoratum, also known as the fragrant solo seal, is...
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Fuchsia lycioides

Fuchsia Lycioides

Fuchsia Lycioides belongs to the family of Nighting primrose plants...
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