Robinia hispida - Borstige Robinie

Robinia hispida - Bristly locust

Robinia hispida, also known as bristly locust, belongs to the...
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Rhododendron orbiculare - Rundblättriger Rhododendron

Rhododendron orbiculare - Round-leaved rhododendron

Rhododendron orbiculare, also known as a round-leaved rhododendron, is an...
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Primula matthioli subsp. turkestanica

Primula matthioli subsp. turkestanica

Primula matthioli subsp. turkestanica is a subspecies of the Primula...
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Eranthis hyemalis - Winterling

Eranthis hyemalis - Winter aconite

Eranthis hyemalis, known as winter aconite, belongs to the family...
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Polygonatum latifolium - Breitblättrige Weißwurz

Polygonatum latifolium - Solomon's seal

Polygonatum latifolium, known as a solomon's seal, belongs to the...
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Torreya nucifera - Japanische Nusseibe

Torreya nucifera - Japanese torreya

Torreya nucifera, also known as the Japanese torreya, is an...
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Acer cissifolium - Cissusblättriger Ahorn

Acer cissifolium - Vine-leafed maple

Acer cissifolium, also known as vine-leafed maple, is a deciduous...
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Hypoestes phyllostachya - Pünktchenpflanze

Hypoestes phyllostachya - Polka dot plant

Hypoestes phyllostachya, colloquially also called "Polka dot plant", is a...
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Clivia miniata - Riemenblatt

Clivia miniata - Orange Clivia

Clivia miniata, also known as orange Clivia, is a popular...
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