Silphium perfoliatum - Cup plant

Silphium perfoliatum, also known as cup plant, is a multi -year herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family. Originally native to North America, this species has established itself in Europe and Asia as an energy plant, bee pasture and ecological landscape design. Their versatility and ecological importance make it a valuable part of both natural and cultivated ecosystems.

Silphium perfoliatum - cup plant

Morphology and appearance

Silphium perfoliatum can reach a growth of 1.5 to 3 meters. It is characterized by a robust, upright and branched stem, which is covered by raw hair. The botanical name "Perfoliatum" refers to the characteristic opposite leaves, the leaf bases of which have grown together on the stem and thus form cup -like structures. These cups can catch rainwater, which brought the plant their name "cup plant".

The leaves are egg -shaped to lanceolate, roughly serrated and have a rough texture. The yellow flower heads that appear during the flowering period from July to September are typical of basket blooms: they consist of striking tongue flowers on the edge and inconspicuous tube flowers in the middle. These flowers are rich in nectar and pollen, which makes them particularly attractive for pollinators such as bees, bumblebees and butterflies.

Silphium perfoliatum - cup plant

Ecology and habitat

Silphium perfoliatum is originally located in wet meadows, on river banks and in open forests in North America. The plant prefers sunny to partially shaded locations and thrives well in nutrient -rich, damp soils. However, it is adaptable and also tolerates temporary drought.

The plant plays an important role in ecosystems by offering the habitat and food for numerous insects. The cup -shaped leaf bases can form small water collections that represent micro -highlights for insects and other small organisms. Their deep piling roots improve the soil structure and promote water infiltration.

Use and ecological importance

In Europe, Silphium perfoliatum has established itself as a sustainable energy plant. Due to its high biomass production, it is used in biogas production. Their advantages over corn, which is often used as an energy plant, lie in several years of use, the lower susceptibility to pests and illnesses and their positive effect on biodiversity.

The cup plant is also used as a feed plant in agriculture because it offers a protein -rich and tasty addition to beef feed. In addition, it is used in natural gardens and in landscape design to attract pollinators and to promote ecological diversity.

Physiological properties and ingredients

Silphium perfoliatum runs like most basket flower C3 photosynthesis. Their chemical ingredients include secondary plant substances such as terpenes and flavonoids that have potential antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The leaves contain bitter fabrics that may protect against guilder.

The cup plant also shows a remarkable frost tolerance and can also be reliably cultivated in moderate climates. This not only makes them a valuable crop, but also an important part of renaturation projects that deal with the restoration of degraded landscapes.

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