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Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii
Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii belongs to the family of rose plants (Rosaceae) and is native to the temperate areas of East Asia, especially in China. This deciduous shrub is known for its spectacular flower and is cultivated as an ornamental plant in many regions due to its attractive white flowers. The subspecies giraldii is a special subgroup of the Art Exochorda racemosa, which is valued for its particularly compact growth forms and their robustness.
Morphology and appearance
Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii is a medium -sized, deciduous shrub that reaches a height of about 1.5 to 3 meters. The plant grows upright and develops long, elegant branches, which often tend to be slightly arched. The bark is smooth and of a gray-browned color that can easily open up in older plants.
The leaves of the shrub are shaped and oval to lanceolate, with a smooth and slightly shiny surface. The leaf color varies in the course of the year: In spring, the leaves appear in a fresh green tone, which changes into a yellowish color in autumn before the leaves finally drop.
The outstanding feature of this plant are its striking flowers. The heyday of Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii falls into the late spring, usually from April to May. The white, five -leaf flowers are arranged in dense grapes (racemen) that sit at the ends of the branches and give a particularly lush, pearl -like appearance. Each flower has a diameter of about 3 cm and contains numerous stamens that give the flowers a slightly yellowish middle. The dense blossom grape looks like a cloud of pearls that brought the shrub into its German name "Perlenstrauch".
Distribution and habitat
The subspecies giraldii is at home in the temperate regions of China, where it occurs in open forests, on forest edges and on slopes. The plant prefers sunny to partially shaded locations and thrives best on well -permeable, slightly acidic to neutral soils. In its natural environment, the plant is adapted to cool, moist winter and moderate summer, which is why it may need additional protection in areas with extremely hot summers.
Due to its robustness and adaptability, Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii also established in other regions with a similar climate as an ornamental plant and is increasingly used in parks and gardens worldwide. The plant is quite frost -resistant and can withstand temperatures up to about -20 ° C.
Ecological meaning and use
Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii is not only valuable because of its aesthetics, but also fulfills an ecological function. The flowers of the pearl bush attract a variety of pollinators, especially bees and other insects that benefit from the nectar stocks at the heyday. This makes the plant an important part of the local insect fauna and supports biodiversity in its area.
In the garden culture, the subspecies giraldii is estimated because of its compact growth form and the impressive bloom. The plant is ideal for planting in mixed discounts and as a solitaire shrub, where it offers an impressive eye -catcher. It is also often used as a privacy screen or in smaller hedges. Due to its level of care, Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii attractive for hobby gardeners as well as professional landscape designers.
Care and location requirements
In nursing is Exochorda racemosa subsp. giraldii relatively undemanding. It needs a well -permeable soil and can tolerate occasional drought well. For a lavish flower, the plant should stand in full sun or at least receive direct sunlight for a few hours. In the first years after planting, regular irrigation is important to promote root growth, whereby waterlogging must be avoided. A pruning after flowering helps to preserve the compact shape and also promotes flower formation the following year.